
13 September 2006

Welcome to ThrobbingCow. My name's Mark. I live in Brooklyn, NY and work in media and music. Though this blog will probably have little if anything to do with my jobs, and a lot to do with my broader reflections on the state of the world and the various micro-universes that exist therein. In the not too distant future I'll be vlogging here as well.

Personal stuff: I like penguins, motorcycles and good wine, in no particular order. These may be themes that recur in the blog for no particular reason. I'm a big fan of Frank Zappa, as much for his worldview and approach as for the music he made. There will doubtless be some in-joke references to FZ here too, as well as the usual arcana that everyone does - lines from bad TV movies, old commercials, weird experiences from second grade etc etc blah blah woof woof.

I hope you enjoy hanging out here at the 'Cow. Just don't expect the world to make sense, and we should get along fine.


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